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What are Heat Pumps?

A heat pump is a device that takes heat from one source and moves it to another location through electric or mechanical means. Heat pumps may be used either to heat or cool. Heat pump technologies include phase change, thermoelectrics, thermoacoustic and magnetic coolers.

What are the types of Heat Pump?

Types of Heat Pumps

➔ Domestic Heat Pumps This series of heat pump adopts high efficiency Tube in Shell heat exchanger and Brass Circulating Pump. It is very easy for installation and maintenance. It is widely applied for domestic Hot Water and heating. MODEL AVAILABLE : VET 3.6 B , 5.3 B , 8.0 B

➔ Swimming Pool heat Pumps This series of heat pump is designed with Titanium heat exchanger and is fully resistant against corrosion to ensure a long lifetime. It is widely used in Swimming pools. MODEL AVAILABLE : VET 30SC , 50SC , 100SC , 150SC , 200SC , 250SC , 300SC , 400SC

➔ Commercial Heat Pumps This series of heat pump adopts high efficiency Tube in Shell heat exchanger and Brass Circulating Pump. It is very easy for installation and maintenance. It is widely applied for domestic Hot Water and heating. MODEL AVAILABLE: VET 3HP, 5HP, 10HP

How Heat Pump Works?

STEP ONE: Located in the outdoor unit, the compressor intakes cool refrigerant gas and uses pressure to heat it. The compressor then pumps the hot, high-pressure gas into the condenser.

STEP TWO: The condenser uses a fan to cool the gas into a liquid as it squeezes through coiled metal loops. The released heat escapes into the outside air through metal fins on the condenser’s exterior.

STEP THREE: The cooled liquid enters the indoor evaporator through a narrow valve, slowing the flow of refrigerant. It then evaporates into a gas as it moves through the unit’s cooling coils, removing heat from the surrounding air. A blower connected to the evaporator directs the cooled air into the heat pump’s air distribution system. The cycle of refrigeration repeats until your home or business reaches the temperature setting on your thermostat.

What are the Features of Heat Pump?

REVERSIBLE HEAT PUMP First of all, you want to be sure you choose a reversible heat pump. This means that the direction of the heat transfer can be reversed to create warm air in winter and cool air in summer. Basically, with a reversible heat pump you are getting two HVAC appliances in one. If you have an electric furnace, switching to a heat pump can save 30 to 40 percent on your heating bills. And because heat pumps do an excellent job of dehumidifying indoor air, you will be able to set your thermostat higher in summer and still feel comfortable, enabling you to save on cooling bills too.

SCROLL COMPRESSOR Heat pumps may have either piston compressors or scroll compressors. Scroll compressors consist of two spiral-shaped scrolls that compress refrigerant into smaller and smaller areas as one scroll rotates around the other. This technology is quieter, more reliable, and has a longer service life than piston compressors. It can also generate 10 to 15 degrees more heat than piston compressors.

VARIABLE SPEED MOTOR Some types of heat pump only have one motor speed, so they have to run at full capacity all the time. Variable speed motors, however, have two speeds that allow the heat pump fan to better adjust to the heating or cooling capacity needed at any given moment. Having a variable speed fan motor also helps to move air more quietly and comfortably, minimizing drafts and also saving electricity. Variable speed heat pumps are compatible with zoned HVAC systems.

BACKUP HEAT TYPE Heat pump efficiency starts to drop off when outdoor temperatures dip below 35 degrees. Most heat pumps come with electric heaters to serve as a backup and provide supplemental heat on cold days. However, models with natural gas backups are also available. Natural gas is cleaner and cheaper than electricity, so you might want to consider this type of backup heat. However, thanks to our mild climate here in California you really don’t have to worry about this feature much.

How should I maintain my Heat Pump?

Proper operation of your heat pump will save energy. Do not set back the heat pump’s thermostat if it causes the backup heating to come on — backup heating systems are usually more expensive to operate. Continuous indoor fan operation can degrade heat pump performance unless your system uses a high-efficiency, variable-speed fan motor. Operate the system on the “auto” fan setting on the thermostat. Consider installing (or have a professional install) a programmable thermostat with multistage functions suitable for a heat pump.

Like all heating and cooling systems, proper maintenance is key to efficient operation. The difference between the energy consumption of a well-maintained heat pump and a severely neglected one ranges from 10% to 25%.

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